After an amazing three weeks in PADI IDC training, exam and extended training in specialty diving I have successfully achieved my recognition as MSDT (Master Scuba Dive Trainer) Instructor. On the journey from Dive Master to Instructor were Sammy, a Indonesian local diver whom I have admirations for taking on this difficult challenge, two quirky Dutch students named Pim and Marco; I’m sooo confused how to pronounce syllables after this course! We all really stuck together and helped each other. I can honestly express that this is one of the more challenging realizations of my professional life and within PADI has taught me a great respect and new found love for the diving world.
I guess every triumph in life is the result of a multitude of people having lend a hand, a patient and loyal support on the way; For the four of us students it was Brendon Sing our Staff Instructor from Lanta Divers in Thailand, a very friendly and balanced soul with the patience of a shark! Heck, he is a Shark and TEC diver… clearly; the elements beyond the waterline are his foremost passion. Thank you Brendon for being incredibly tolerant and certainly enduring, having to stuff into our confused heads a heap of information needed to present to the examiner. I enjoyed foremost the MSDT training sessions, re-located to Lembeh where we finally got to dive (and exercise) together and – here too; a very professional Brendon gave us many little tips, tricks and advise that will form others through us to become possibly the same responsible divers you shown us to be. Your decorum is exemplar!
Host Tina and Nigel, you both managed to run a resort, teach, guide and feed us (and boy we ate like there is no tomorrow…) Constantly leveled in the professional niveau of serious business and helping us beyond bedtime to understand complex calculations and mathematical formulas, translating into Indonesia, finding creative ways to make us understand what all seems rather easy in hindsight. Vaguely I remember Tina breastfeeding a very quite and curious baby next to me on the dive boat to one of Bunnakens finest Mack diving spots; While occupied with theoretical analyses and decompression limits I found my self wondering if baby Rebecca really cared about salty milk… No, although we sat on a sandy patch in the best of worlds Kritter heaven, we had barely time nor energy to chase after Nudi Branches or Hairy Frog fishes. Here it was the curious water-life themselves coming up to us within touchable limits, Sea snakes, Morey Eels, the shy King Crab, Star Gazers, Flounders and even a Mimmick-Octopus. We were so close to the beauty of Coral life that placing a weight belt required watching for the Pipe-Seahorse calmly floating off. What better place to study in this world?
Overall, thank you for the hotel staff, the happy boats help, their primary safety and born fisherman’s eye helping us tired ass-students to remember the (minor) details like weight belt, opening the tank valve, tug away the many hooked on tools and gadgets, helping my exhausted-self back on the boat, and the constant cheerful smiles and friendly encouragements; you all are a great team giving us needed support. Greetings to Ecco Divers helping out when PADI Instructor Examiner Rob Scammell from Thailand directed the final review.
Thank you to all guests we crossed path with. Yes, we quite took over tables and ground during our study. All your encouragement really helped! Dan from Switzerland, you are the funniest guy I know diving!
I will now sleep for two days. Maybe soon – one of you reading this will end up joining me for an Adventures in Diving experience, get yourself into scuba gear for the first time and learn to appreciate the fantastic aquatic life. Only a very few privileged people know about the wonders that await us just a few meters below the surface we feel so protected from. Come and see why we need to respect and be AWARE of our water ways, Oceans and Lakes. Foremost, it’s a fun sport.
I’m off to bed…