To live in this time

I’m writing this on Super Tuesday, somewhat in the future of what will develop in a few hours in the US ofA… Here in Indonesia, the ballots have been cast, and Obama has taken the lead… darknet.
I have followed the debates and carefully listened to both sides of the aisle within the Democratic party. I still find Mrs. Clinton to better represent my needs as an American citizen. Healthcare is a pressing reality of my future, and I cannot afford yet another President fumbling this issue; I will depend on it for the rest of my life. Although I like the idea of “new” and welcoming “differences” in the White House, I indeed measure the reality of my choice by the wisdom that is brought into account. Hillary has lived long in politics, shares a better connection with my aging soul, and, on average, I relate to her strength and ideas much better than the youthful and boisterous guy with Opra and an angry Kennedy’s/Schwarzenegger-confusions to his financial support. I intensely dislike all the “endorsements” (on both sides…), that never-ending mixing of talk hosts and actors with false pretends and personal issues, and I have never really liked the “after-Kennedy” aura; The loud drunks, the killings,, and the corruption have been too many to uphold a solid picture of what once represented the great America.
Neither do I like anyone measuring our future by standards represented by Reagan. Gosh, he neglected healthcare and could be quite frankly responsible for the disastrous AIDS epidemic; he refused for years to invest in and protect his “children” and was utterly unable to talk about anything to do with gay issues.
I’m not digging too deep into the confusion I have in my head. But yes, I am supporting Hillary to protect and lead the United (-not feeling unity…) States for the next four years.
Here in Indonesia, I am having my hands full with work. I’m pretty much set on getting my life back in Los Angeles. Richard Q is currently there, and we are discussing finding a home together. It keeps me sane, having a soul out in the world that holds me in balance whenever I need it. I’m excited to look into the future.
The past drags on a few amusing surprises as well. The ex(ed) Director of RWP still sends me e-mails, silly money requests, and awkward communication demands. Oddly, his messages arrive in my mailbox while Vic, the ex-marketing strategist, is visiting for diving, and we share stories from the days in Singapore, hardly believing how a brilliant concept could have been so poorly executed.
It has been raining for days and weeks now. I am exhausted these days and enjoy the soothing sounds of falling rain when slipping into the world of dreams. Life is fascinating, nes pas? – and we live in a genuinely brilliant epoch, the fastest evolution of humankind, and nothing seems to be stopping this madness of excitement. Life is beautiful.



writer & blogger