The world is in turmoil, and I am managing a major spring cleaning and overhaul of all departments in this hotel. Something is soothing about cleaning your house when the world around you is in disarray. It gives you time to ponder while waxing a piece of furniture that possibly has very little meaning to someone else…
At such meditative moments, I appreciate the power of finding peace within by learning to be happy with what we have and not measuring life by what we would like to have. Here in Minahasa Lagoon, our Hotel environment, the simplicity of one’s private home, is stretched to the offices, the kitchen and restaurant, the bar, the pool, the cottages, and the landscape. Together, I have about 80 people involved, including the construction team enhancing our property. Rain interrupts significantly when changing the roofs, but all in all, these people can work hard, and once you look after them, they give lots in return. Some don’t, but that could be changed… Activity is contagious!
I’ve taken on another duty of fixing up the house of one of the employees; seeing how he lived in the shack with his wife and daughter churned my stomach, and I had to spring in. So first we are building a toilet and bathroom, a kitchen and getting a proper roof on the house. As it is, the family sleeps on the dirt floor and must beg their neighbor when they need a shower or wash something. It’s my weak side, I have to help. Richard Q was here, visiting supposedly for a week, but hurried after two days to assignment in Jakarta where Suharto is clinching on to life. Two days ago, 500 buildings burned down in the slums of Jakarta; someone left a burner on, and the wind caused the fire to churn through the village. Nobody knows how many died… But this story never made it into mainstream media. Hundreds died!
I’m confronted with the third-world aspects of life. Yes, there are hungry people in Africa, and yes, many places in the world suffer illness, are washed away by floods, and vanish without media attention. Still, here, by the borders of the Tongkoko jungle, life teaches me to respect and cherish the life we often take for granted. I might not come back to Los Angeles a wealthy man, but I am enriched with stories. I am needed here.
I have started a mini research project to gather information on coral bleaching, rapidly spreading in some parts of the Bunaken National Park. I need help getting people from our local environmental groups interested in this discovery; seemingly they are all busy collecting COTs (Crowns of Thorns) by the hundreds claiming to do the right thing in protecting our reefs. As soon I reference a research study sternly advising me not to touch these purple sea stars because they release hundreds of eggs when agitated, I get harsh responses, like I am uneducated and against assisting with a good project. Interestingly, I’ve witnessed this collection of COTs in plastic baskets being dragged around underwater or local fishermen harpooning while they stress-relieve eggs. The problem is worsening exponentially. We should be better educated about the actions implemented and open our stubborn minds to all inputs available before possibly causing larger damage than intended.
Heck, I have my hands full trying to run this place. All in all, I enjoy being here until I feel resistance.
To keep the balance even, I am starting to fancy about “normal” life again. As much as I’ve invested my personal energies into these ventures, I am daily confronted with my “real world values” and the missing opportunities at home. I’m not fully satisfied with “giving it all” for what is on my plate at the end of each shift. I also crave good management, something I am forced to accept as impossible. I’d be a loner if I tried. Like any new year, I am blessed to adventure into the next period of life. Thank you to all my friends and the support I receive from this site. The world has become more beautiful, and I understand that taking care of myself is very important. Nobody will respect you as much as you can to yourself! If there is something that comes close to a resolution for 2008, I’d say Living as many happy days as I can manage. This requires that I set myself in a surrounding where I am fully accepted, supported, and respected. That will be my goal for this year.
I’m so happy I have Richard Q in my life; it all would be half as straightforward without knowing I have a soul on this earth that sincerely cares for me and will hold my hand whenever I need support.
Oh, and yes, This is the year for Democrats to take back the White House!