TCMchef Raphael Gamon solution to Healthcare

Is TCMchef Raphael Gamon the solution to Obama’s healthcare problems?

Food & LifeStyle

There is a tendency in the American healthcare and political culture that handicaps people in the United States: The healthcare system is set up to treat only the disorder’s symptoms instead of tackling problems by fixing the origin of what makes us ill.

TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) is a 3000-year old non-toxic, well-studied/documented support of health-supporting solutions that can significantly aid the debilitated government insurance program. TCM chef Raphael teaches in a fascinating three-day seminar how anyone can immediately grasp the basics of immune-boosting menu preparations and leads anyone interested onto a wise path of preventative and curative future. A masterfully designed 3-day course!

“Use nature. Yes, we are what we eat”, says TCM chef Raphael Gamon, encouraging you to nourish wisely.’

TCMchef Raphael Gamon
He shows how to cook with Chinese yam, which balances the hormones and strengthens the stomach. He recommends red dates and wolfberries to increase blood circulation – and infuses Western ginseng that helps revitalize one’s energy. His French cuisine delicacies are cleverly re-designed to support a healthy body and deal with today’s toxic environment.
“Wolfberries are recognized for more than 1600 years in TCM therapy to nourish the eyes; lotus roots strengthen the spleen, pancreas and stomach, whereas Honey disinfects and contains anti-inflammatory properties. My key task is to create a holistic and modern cuisine enhanced by the medicinal powers of these herbs and to teach you that TCM is a natural solution and not magic.”

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Raphael Gamon was born in 1963 in cosmopolitan San Francisco. This determined multi-lingual Swiss Culinary Academy graduate was hired in 1985 by Palais Royal as the Private Chef to the Culture Minister, Jacques Lange, which kick-started his long list of dignitaries and celebrated clients such as kings, politicians and Hollywood celebrities like Cher, Madonna and Industry moguls who enjoy nutritionally-balanced meals crafted by TCM chef Raphael.
Based in Los Angeles, after studying TCM in Singapore where he opened the first French cuisine/TCM fusion restaurant – this much sought-after specialist consultant in worldwide resort kitchens – is the brains and creator of the first TCM study book for anyone interested in learning the simple applications that can prevent future illness. “If only First Lady Michelle Obama would give me 15 minutes of her time….”
TCM chef Raphael has been featured in TIME magazine and many cooking-related articles. He now shares his fascinating knowledge for motivational corporate presentations or signs up for your personalized consultation.

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